Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zack Matheny Blows His Wad!

By now you've already read about the rumors that Zack Matheny refused a bribe from Downtown Greensboro Inc in the form of a cushy job that Zack helps to oversee as a member of the Greensboro City Council who funds DGI through BID taxes, bonds and city grants for special projects. Refusing the bribe was the right thing to do. Problem for Councilman Matheny is that he is accused of covering for the person or persons who attempted to bribe a seated city councilman. Is that a felony?

Mr Hartzman offered to take a lie detector test. So what did Councilman Matheny do when George Hartzman made the offer? He shied away and took the PR route instead. In a series of e-mails between Zack, Roch Smith jr, George and I the following conversation took place: Click on the image to enlarge.

Of course, if Mayoral candidate George Hartzman were paying the bill for the lie detector test and Zack Matheny were to fail the test, Matheny could always make the claim that the 3rd party polygraph administrator hired by Mr Hartzman was paid to produce results favorable to Mr Hartzman.

Here's your chance, Zack, the City of Greensboro will foot the bill. Don't hide behind that childish game of who pays the bill. If you pass the test you take down the one man who has caused the entire Greensboro City Council more grief than any other man in the history of our city. You will be a hero to Greensboro's elitist status quo for the rest of your life. You could even make a last minute bid to become Mayor of Greensboro and win!

Show George you're the man, Zack, show him who's the liar! Don't hide behind who foots the bill, let the City foot the bill and be done with it, be a hero.

That is, unless you're the one who is lying.

Who wants to bet Zack takes a loaded lie detector and shoots himself in the head?